
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Enchanting & Glorious Spring!

I consider myself to be a happy and optimistic person.  Much of what makes me "happy" comes from my love and admiration for nature and the changing seasons.  I have a deep appreciation for birds, flowers, trees, sun, sky, and nature overall.  I don't let my surroundings, their constance and ever-after, allow me to take them for granted.

Here are some photos I've captured so far this Spring.  They all make me smile...

The robin enjoying a cool bath


The American Goldfinches eating at the feeder

The goldfinch with a sunflower seed in his beak

A black-capped chickadee sharing the feeder with goldfinches

A black-capped chickadee cracking a seed open on our lilac tree

The following photos were all taken this morning...

The beautiful tulips blooming in my backyard

Our crabapple tree bursting with blossoms, preparing to bloom

Our purple leaf sand cherry tree blooming as I type this

One of our peony bushes, growing tall and beautiful. 
I can't wait for the flowers to bloom; I love filling teapots with them! 
I can almost smell their heavenly scent...ahhh!

Our lilac tree; soon to bloom and release its sweet scent!

The blue sky and warm sunshine peeking through the pergola
and lilac tree on the side of our deck.

Last night's full moon - the flower moon!  It was so big and bright in the sky!  
Did you get to see it?  I hope so!

Wishing you all a happy new week filled with sunshine, blue skies, birdsong, pretty flowers, and all the  beauty of Spring!  xoxo


  1. Oh my goodness Rosinda!! You captured some amazing moments---the 2nd picture of the robin and the delightful splashes of water---so perfect! And the yellow finch with a seed in its beak- how fun!! Your blossoms look wonderful and your peony!!!

    I was able to dig out one peony bush and bring it along and by golly, it made it through the winter, so it's up and growing, just needs a home and a garden...soon, I know!

    I hope your weekend has been wonderful and that Anita has enjoyed her first few days of being 11. What a wonderful age!!



  2. Birds and flowers! Your spring is pretty!

  3. Oh Rosinda thank you for the nature walk through your beautiful yard. How fun to see all the tweeties and the plants in bloom. My parents fell in love in Washington D.C. as the cherry blossoms were in bloom. So funny to remember that now. ♥

  4. Gorgeous pictures darling, thanks so much for sharing! Our peony bushes look the same! It's going to be a good year for them, I think. Our robins look so different...apart from the red breasts that is. Ours are small & round, like the finches. I guess that the settlers in the New World saw a brown bird with a red chest & called it the same as the brown & red bird from home! Happy new week to you - your enthusiasm & love of life is inspiring xoxo

  5. Your pictures are beautiful, Rosinda! I keep looking at them and thinking, "I'd like to have that for my screen saver!" I'm not sure I could pick just one, because they're all so good, but maybe I'd choose the robin splashing in the bird bath :-) xoxo
